By diverging from the turnpike road, at Old Meldrum, to bMethlick/b, on the Ythan, and thence along its course, rejoining the high road to Turriff, near Fyvie Castle, Haddo House, the seat of the Earl of Aberdeen, can be numbered among the tourist's b..../b It contains an excellent bhotel/b, about seventy slated houses, and thrice that number of thatched cottages. A munificent educational fund has lately accrued to the place, through the bequest of a townsman, Alexander Mylne, ...
"Beers of the world, unite!" We're pleased to present a March 2008 Beer Festivals guide. The month of the hare and windy weather (not to mention windy backsides, if you overdo it!). Need help creating the perfect beer bvacation/b? b..../b 21st- 23rd. bMethlick/b Beer Festival Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK Website. 21st-23rd. Red Lion Easter Beer Festival Shoram-by-Sea, W. Suss, UK Website. 21st-23rd. Bear of Rodborough Beer Festival Stroud, Gloucs, UK b.../b
Ian's brother Derek, 51, a BP project engineer from bMethlick/b, is leading the efforts to help Mimi. He said: "The situation seems to be very complicated because Mimi was married to Ian for so little time.All we can do is appeal to the b.../b